Thursday, April 3, 2008

Life's a dream

I have been blessed to know some of the most amazing people who have enriched my life more than they will ever know. Some are just casual acquaintances who may have lifted me up in my time of need without evening knowing they did anything thing out of the ordinary. I guess I have just never expressed my true gratitude for all of the little things that turn out to be so many somethings in my life. My heart is so full of love right now and even though I've been going through a bit of a rough patch, my friends are always there for me. Thank you Krista for helping me get over my fears and having a shoulder to cry on, thank you Eric for movie nights and smiles that brighten my day more than you know, thank you Aubrey and Ali for being the two coolest sisters anyone could ask for, thank you Cliff for the long talks and educating me on Dungeons and Dragons which never fails to get a giggle out of me :), thank you Ryan for cheering me up whenever I'm down and making fun of my big hair ( I know you love it! haha), thank you Nathan for being such an amazing and considerate friend even though you are all the way out in New Joisey! haha, thank you Katie for always having a strong opinion! I just love you for it and I think you are so incredibly talented in everything thing you do, it definitely makes me smile :), thank you miss Megan Emily for being one of the most amazing girls I know! You are strong, smart, beautiful and such a wonderful friend. Thank you Jen for being my friend even though you are WaY too cool for me! Thank you Curtiss (aka other half) for being my hilarious little asian friend that enjoys bowing frequently! Haha you can ALWAYS make me laugh :), and finally thank you to a secret someone that brought the biggest smile to my face today, you are quite the gem :)... Wheww.. I know all of those thank you's were a bit redundant but I just wanted to..ya know.. SAY THANK YOU!! :)


Katie said...

You are so sweet Brittany. I'm tickled pink that I somehow wound up on the list. I can't wait to hear how things are going at the gym. Also, I hope your week is going really well this time around.

Diana said...

PS. I think you are gorgeous. Have I ever told you that? no... hmm. no bueno. :)

Aubrey said...

AWW! yeah i know, i know, I am the coolest sister :)

MeganHowell said...

Britt!! Did you know that I think all of those wonderful things about YOU too??!! You are just the greatest and I value our friendship as well- I just wish we actually talked more, our lives get so crazy!! But I am glad you think I'm alright cause I just think the world of you my friend!! You da bomb;) Love you girlfriend!!!